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     Sunday service: 

Focusing on two churches: Thyatira and Sardis, our challenge is to to do spiritual inventory on ourselves and our church.

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2411 Rosalind Ave. SW

Roanoke, VA 24014

(540) 343-4204

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For prayer or information

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Small Group Bible - Sundays 9:45am

Corporate Worship - Sundays 11am
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting- Wednesdays 6:30pm


Our Mission

Crystal Spring Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God because of the gospel of Jesus Christ—in which we as redeemed sinners have been given a new life. We desire to treasure and worship Christ as we spread a passion for His name among all nations. 

Our Focus

Our primary focus as a church is to help people come to KNOW Christ as their Lord and Savior.  We accomplish this through evangelism and outreach in the community and providing ministries at our church to help people learn more about the Jesus of the Bible.

Knowing Christ is not enough. Crystal Spring also desires to see those who come to a knowledge of Christ GROW and mature in their relationship with Him. We help facilitate this growth through our small groups and prayer meetings as well as our Sunday and midweek worship services. These events exist to help encourage those who know Christ to pursue Him with their lives.

Finally, Crystal Spring works to help those who know Christ and are growing in Christ SHOW Him to others through their lives. Living out the example of Christ in the context of community is essential in helping others come to know Jesus for themselves. This is accomplished through service, witnessing, and putting one's spiritual gifts to good use both in the church and beyond its walls.



Travis Hilton

Prior to serving as Senior Pastor of Crystal Spring Baptist Church, Travis Hilton served as pastor in the Washington D.C. area, along with two previous churches in Virginia. He has also served as a Corporate Chaplain in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Travis came to saving faith in Jesus Christ as a child under the influence of his mother and the church where he was discipled and baptized near Hiltons, Virginia.


Travis holds a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. He is also a graduate with a B.A. in History, Political Science concentration and Education from the University of Virginia at Wise, where he led in founding the student fellowship Cavaliers for Christ, served as Vice President of Evangelism for the Baptist Student Union and helped plant a local evangelical church. Travis went on to teach in Scott County Public Schools while serving for a time as a Legislative Assistant in the House of Delegates.

He and his wife Amy have two adult children, Graham and Abigail, along with two dogs, Oliver and Packer. Amy educated their children through homeschooling as a stay-at-home mom. She holds a M.A. in counseling from SEBTS, also holding degrees in psychology and nursing. They enjoy watching old westerns and bird watching together. Travis also enjoys long bike rides, hiking, reading books and playing guitar.

Our Music Director

Dena Holland

Dena Holland has served as our music director for over ten years. In addition to serving as our music director, Dena is a music educator in the Roanoke City school system. She is a brilliant soprano vocalist and enjoys pairing the music each week with the content of the sermon being given. 

About Us


Who is God?

There is only one true God who is entirely infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, and perfect. Existing in three persons-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- God is a sovereign being and is both worthy and deserving of all praise and worship. God the Father reigns powerfully over the universe as the head of the Trinity. His father-ship describes both his placement in the Trinity and the relationship He has with mankind. As creator, He is father to all men but only the spiritual Father to those who believe. Genesis 1:1: 2:7 * Ps. 19:1-3 * Matt. 6:9; 7:11; 23:9; 28:19 * Rom 8:1.4-15 * Eph. 1:5-6, 11; 4:6 * 1 Tim. 1:17 * Heb. 11:6; 12:9 * 1 Pet. 1:17 * 1 John 5:7


Who is Jesus?

Jesus,God the Son, can be described as the second person of the Trinity. He is equal with His Father in every essential way. Through His incarnation, Jesus Christ, while not surrendering His divine essence, wrapped Himself in human flesh and became the God-Man. Jesus was conceived and birthed of a virgin and was the source of redemption through His sacrificial death on the cross. His death was the voluntary substitutionary atonement for the sins of the world. Through His bodily resurrection from the grave, He made justification sure and guaranteed a future resurrection and eternal life for all who believe in Him. Jesus is the mediator between God and man, the final Judge, the Head of the church, the coming King, and the Lord and Savior to all who accept his free gift of grace in faith. Col. 1:17 * Isa. 7:14 * Luke 2:26-38 * I Pet. 2:22, 24 * Rom. 1:1-4 * Heb. 7:25 * I Thess. 4:13-18

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is fully God, possessing all essential attributes of the Father and Son, including knowledge, intellect and will. The work of the Holy Spirit includes convicting the world, glorifying the Lord, and sanctifying believers into the image of Christ. The Holy Spirit baptizes, indwells, sanctifies, guides, seals, teaches, and provides spiritual gifts to all believers. John 14:16, 26 * John 15:26-27 * John 16:7-11 * Rom. 8:1-14 * I Cor. 12:13 * Eph. 5:18


What is the Bible?

The Scriptures were written by the Spirit of God through His chosen servants. The Old and New Testaments are God-breathed and exist as a perfect treasury of heavenly instruction. The Bible is the final authority for faith and practice. Holy Scripture is inerrant in the original autographs, infallible in all that it teaches, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried. Ps. 119:89 * II Tim. 3:15-17 * I Thess. 2:13 * 2 Pet. 1:21

Who are We?

Every human being is made in the image of God and was originally designed to reflect back to him the kind of glory that no other created thing is capable of doing. People are supreme objects of God’s creation. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all of us are have fallen short of God's design and standard because of the infection of sin and corresponding behaviors. Humanity's problem of sin separates people from God and leads to all kinds of personal and general brokenness. In and of themselves, people are totally incapable of correcting this problem of sin and finding relief from its many implications. God didn't leave humanity without hope in the midst of this struggle. Out of his grace and love for humanity, God sent his Son Jesus to provide a way for the problem of sin to be totally and ultimately alleviated for those who believe in him. Gen. 1:26-27 * Gen. 2:7 * Rom. 3:23 * Rom. 3:10 * John 3:16

What is Salvation?

Salvation is God’s redemption of the entire man offered as a gift of grace to any and all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through faith. Doing this requires repentance which is defined as the turning away from one's sin and selfish desires toward Jesus Christ in humble submission to His lordship in all things. Sin is the force that corrupts man in his thoughts, actions, and will. Sin also infected the world at large leading to disasters, disease, and all kinds of destruction. In the midst of this problem, God demands perfection and must, as a result of His holiness, punish anything that falls short. Through Christ’s blood, satisfaction for God's holy standard was made and eternal redemption and salvation was purchased for all who repent and believe. The blessings of salvation offered by God's grace include regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification. It is through salvation that individuals are given eternal life in heaven, meaningful life on earth, and an enduring relationship with God. Eph. 2:8-9 * Rom. 10:9, 10, 13 * Heb. 9:22 * Matt. 16:26


What is the Church?

The Church refers to the universal body of believers that are united together by the faith they have in Jesus Christ. The Church makes up everyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior regardless of ethnicity, location, background, or denomination. We believe that the local church is God’s instrument in this present age and that all Christians should both belong to and be an active part of a local New Testament church. We believe the church is a body of baptized believers in whom Jesus Christ lives and over whom He is Lord, and is to live under the direction and discipline of the Holy Word of God. Believers are united together in the Holy Spirit for the purpose of evangelizing the lost, building up the saved, and glorifying the Lord. We believe the church belongs to the Lord Jesus and that the church should love Christ and all the members of the body, and that they should be faithful to its purposes. We believe in the separation of church and state. We believe the church is a God-governed body with the pastor who serves as the spiritual leader of the body. Matt. 16:18 * Eph. 3:21 * Acts 2:41-47 * Eph. 1:7, 14

For a complete description of our beliefs at Crystal Spring, click here to peruse the Baptist Faith and Message.

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